Reiki Healing

We offer both in-office Reiki and Distance Reiki to anywhere in the world! Each session includes a chakra & aura cleanse & alignment, and feedback afterwards about what was found by the practitioner during the session, including any intuitive/psychic messages that came through during the session.

Current Prices are as follows...

In-Office Reiki

  • 1 hour: $94 / 90 minutes: $141

Distance Reiki

  • 30 minutes: $40 / 1 hour: $70

*Please contact us (via email, Facebook messenger, call/text) to schedule your session.

Psychic Readings & Intuitive Guidance

Over 35 years experience with connecting to the spirit world!

I utilize both tarot and oracle cards, and sometimes a pendulum, in my readings. Spirit always guides the reading through my clair-senses. You may ask a certain number of questions for me to focus on in the reading. The number of questions allowed depends on the length of the session.

*Please note: I do NOT answer questions about: medical/health issues, legal issues, lottery numbers, and questions about death (ie. when you'll die, etc.). Also, mediumship (connecting to a specific passed loved one) is NOT promised since it's always up to the spirit whether they want to speak to me or not. In that case, please have an alternative question ready.

Current prices are as follows...

Video recorded readings (you are not present for this):

  • 30 minutes (2 questions): $45
  • 45 minutes (3 questions): $60
  • 1 hour (4 questions): $75

Zoom and In-office readings:

  • 30 minutes (2 questions): $50
  • 45 minutes (3 questions): $65
  • 1 hour (4 questions): $80

*Please contact us (via email, Facebook messenger, call/text) to book your session. Payment is due at the time of scheduling to reserve your appointment.

(For entertainment purposes only.)

Psychic Development Program

The world is waking up spiritually. More and more people are desperately trying to connect to their higher selves, their guides & angels, & passed loved ones with little to no success. Without guidance, it could take years to start to see any results. Luckily, I’ve taken the guesswork out of it for you, saving you a ton of time and frustration.

In our Psychic Development Program, I can teach you how to get to the psychic level that you want (connecting to your spirit guides, clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship, etc.) no matter what level you're starting at. This is a one-on-one private mentoring program (No pre-recorded videos) for all people wanting to learn (beginners through intermediate level).  This is NOT a cookie-cutter program. This program is specifically tailored to you, and fully guided by communication with your spirit guides. I can work around your busy schedule & I also have affordable & flexible payment options.

*Payments as low as $50 a week!

Our 12 session package includes:

– An individualized 1 hour-90 minute class via zoom or phone every week or whenever is convenient for you, plus homework specifically designed for you (12 classes total).

– Unlimited texts/emails/phone calls throughout the week to me for all of your questions.

– A 40-minute in-office or distance reiki session to unblock your 7 main chakras & the Soul Star chakra.

– Developing your spiritual/psychic gifts at your own pace.

– Meditations & exercises to enhance your abilities.

– Unlocking your intuition & gaining confidence.

– Learning to communicate with your angels and spirit guides.

– Intuitive guidance from my guides and angels throughout each session to help guide you.

– Education on the spirit world, energy protection, psychic abilities, and much more!

*PM me on Facebook or email/text/call me today to set up your FREE zoom consultation to see if this program is right for you. 

Inner Child Work Coaching

You may not fully realize it, but your childhood experiences have a major influence on who you are as an adult. Even if you think you’re “over it”, or have simply swept those painful memories and emotions under the proverbial rug, they will in fact ALWAYS effect you on an unconscious level. They shape your personality, the way you react to people and situations, the way you handle money & relationships & your work ethic, even your physical health! It effects EVERY single area of your life. On an energetic and spiritual level, it will also block your chakras (energy centers in the body) and make it more difficult for you to attract the things into your life that you’re trying to manifest. That is, until you face your childhood issues head on.

Inner child work is a therapeutic approach aimed at healing and resolving emotional and mental wounds from childhood. It involves accessing and working through repressed emotions, memories, and experiences from childhood that are impacting a person's present-day life. Inner child work is a method of addressing the behavior patterns rooted in childhood abuse, emotional neglect, and trauma. It recognizes that our behaviors as an adult stem from our childhood experiences.

Inner child healing is important because understanding where certain behavior patterns stem from is a necessary step in the recovery process. Inner child healing helps individuals access their pain in a way that is productive and gentle.

The goal of inner child healing is to eventually reach a point where you can better identify your own needs, behaviors, and triggers. As a trained Clinical Therapist with a specialization in Trauma, and also as a Spiritual Teacher, I’m able to help clients to process past trauma and release it through a combination of Inner Child Work with a Spiritual twist, so that you can move forward with your life in every way without your past holding you back. You can’t erase the memories, BUT you CAN separate the negative thoughts and emotions tied to the memories, which is ultimately what keeps causing the pain. And ultimately, that is what my clients experience through the process of Inner Child Work.

NOW is the year to finally break free of those limiting beliefs and feelings!! The longer you put it off, the longer it will be until you can start living the life of your dreams.

*Contact me TODAY to set up your FREE zoom consultation to see if Inner Child Work is right for you. This is a 14 session privately mentored program via Zoom, and I work around your schedule.

You can do this!! And YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Personal Numerology Report

You get a 20+ page report all about your numerology numbers and based on your birthday and your birth name/married name. I go in depth on your life path number, BUT I also talk about... What you are destined to do in this life, what will make your soul feel complete, how others perceive you, what you can expect from the second half of your life, what vibration you're projecting out into the world every time you use or sign your name, what karmic lessons you need to master in this life, what karmic debts you need to settle in this life, the challenges you'll face in life, and what each month for the next year looks like for you in general.

Cost: $50.00

*Please contact me via the contact form, email, text/ call, or thru Facebook messenger to purchase. I will need your full birth name, your date of birth, and your current legal name. All reports are then emailed to you within a few days.

Personal Natal Chart Report (Birth Chart)

You get a 30+ page report based on your birth date, time, and location. I show your birth chart and I go in depth on each planet and zodiac sign in your chart. I also go into each house in your chart. This is a lot more detailed than the numerology chart, and can be used in conjunction with the numerology chart to help you understand yourself more and understand what things you need to be working on in your life. It can help to give you more direction in any area of your life.

Cost: $60.00

*Please contact me via the contact form, email, text/ call, or thru Facebook messenger to purchase. I will need your name, your date of birth, the exact time of your birth, and your birth city/state/country. All reports are then emailed to you within 1 week.